One Way Trip Short film - Character Design, VFX and Compositing

A short sci-fi film about an astronaut discovering life on an alien planet. Filmed on a DSLR and edited with Final Cut Pro and Abode Premiere Pro. Compositing done mostly in After Effects, with some compositing done in Premiere Pro. Character design, rigging, and modeling done in Cinema 4D. The texture was painted onto the model using BodyPaint in Cinema 4D. Holograms were also created in Cinema 4D.
Keep scrolling for a breakdown of the character design and compositing!

Wump is an alien, named by the astronaut protagonist of the film. Their gender is a bit ambiguous, as the whole race of Wumps are identical. They’re peaceful, gentle forest creatures that scare easily. They can spit dense globs of their saliva like bullets in self defense, if trapped or provoked.

Wump Turnaround

Wump Expressions

Wump Poses

Before - The balls on sticks serve as placeholders for the actor to know where to look when filming the scene.






Hologram effect created in Cinema 4D, and rendered as a PNG sequence to be composited into the final shot.

The planet featured in the beginning of the film. The texture was made by using royalty free images provided by NASA as a base, and editing them further in Photoshop the create the final texture and bump map.